Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Cocktail of the Week

Our third cocktail of the week is a personal trip back to Des Moines, IA, in the declining years of our cherished 1980's...

The Flaming Dr. Pepper

The Q'punga Cocktail of the Week for
March 18-24, 2007!

In the "Skills and Certifications" section of his resume, Al reports that one of things he's really good at is filling a small glass with liquor, dropping that glass into a larger glass also filled with liquor, and then drinking them both as fast as he can. (Note to Employers: he also lists himself as "proficient" in Microsoft Office and "familiar" with fax machines, for whatever that's worth.)

Anyway, the Flaming Dr. Pepper shot takes the shot-dropped-into-a-beer formula up "another coupla notches," as Emeril might say. In fact, it's kind of the Turducken of the basement bar. Here, you have a mug of beer, into which you drop a smaller glass of amaretto, into which you have previously dropped a shot glass of 151-proof rum, which itself has been LIT on FIRE.

When executed correctly, the warmed rum mixes with the beer and amaretto (and all the frathouse chugging) to create a taste sensation oddly similar to that of a lukewarm can of Dr. Pepper soda. In fact, if you ever have a particular craving for Dr. Pepper soda but aren't able to attain one -- if you are in the middle stretch of the Iditarod, say, or in an Apollo LEM orbiting the moon -- the flaming version would make a handy substitute.

This is a drink that takes four hands to do correctly: one hand to hold the mug of beer, another to hold the glass of amaretto, a third to hold (and then drop) the shot of 151, and a fourth to light a plastic lighter and touch it to the 151. It's a drink that would be difficult to drink alone, and so it therefore fosters community and brings families together. It is the drink of peace.

Except, of course, when your knuckle-dragging college buddies spill the 151 all over your hands just prior to lighting the shot, causing a pretty blue flame to spread from the limn of the shot glass to the back of one's hands, spreading to one's arm hair and ultimately to the small bits of lint on one's sweater, causing ultimately one's entire torso up to the neck to be covered in a roving (if fairly harmless) blue flame, in which case the Flaming Dr. Pepper stops being the drink of peace and starts to become the drink of "Are you trying to f*cking kill me?"

The Flaming Pep was introduced to me by graduate students in the Engineering Department of Drake University in late 1988. It is an acceptable accompaniment to the following records: Appetite for Destruction, ...And Justice For All, Vivid.

For more information:

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